This (relatively recent) blog of mine kind of illustrates where I am with New Technology in general: all in favour, if a little slow to catch on! Imagine my delight then, at being chosen by Bath University -in conjunction with its various commercial partners - for the 3-year Cityware research project. I'm one of a 'cohort' (academicspeak for 'bunch') of only 30 people, who will be trying out some sensational new mobile technology and innovative uses for it.
I was apparently an early front-runner just because what I do is unusual (I think they meant the magic..?). Always nice to be wanted. Up until now, my main interest in phone magic has related to a couple of effects I like to do actually over the phone - find a chosen card, that sort of thing.
Have to say though, some of the ideas being suggested and tested with this equipment, are truly magic to me - as in, sci-fi made real. Such as? Well, it's all hush-hush at the moment; so I COULD tell you... but then I'd have to have you killed. Best just watch this space and I promise to keep you up-to-date, as and when I'm allowed to! But trust me (I'm a Magician) - this stuff is seriously cool. Bluetooth? Schmuetooth.
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