Magic, Mindreading, and how they relate not just to Entertainment and Fun but to Life, the Universe and Everything...

Monday, April 03, 2006


This (relatively recent) blog of mine kind of illustrates where I am with New Technology in general: all in favour, if a little slow to catch on! Imagine my delight then, at being chosen by Bath University -in conjunction with its various commercial partners - for the 3-year Cityware research project. I'm one of a 'cohort' (academicspeak for 'bunch') of only 30 people, who will be trying out some sensational new mobile technology and innovative uses for it.
I was apparently an early front-runner just because what I do is unusual (I think they meant the magic..?). Always nice to be wanted. Up until now, my main interest in phone magic has related to a couple of effects I like to do actually over the phone - find a chosen card, that sort of thing.

Have to say though, some of the ideas being suggested and tested with this equipment, are truly magic to me - as in, sci-fi made real. Such as? Well, it's all hush-hush at the moment; so I COULD tell you... but then I'd have to have you killed. Best just watch this space and I promise to keep you up-to-date, as and when I'm allowed to! But trust me (I'm a Magician) - this stuff is seriously cool. Bluetooth? Schmuetooth.


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