Magic, Mindreading, and how they relate not just to Entertainment and Fun but to Life, the Universe and Everything...

Monday, March 20, 2006

ONLINE POKER CHEATING ALERT! - I-Team Exclusive: Dirty Poker

There's a famous comment about my chosen profession, to the effect that a Magician is the most honest man in the world. He says, Ladies and Gentlemen, I am now going to deceive you. And then proceeds to do just that. Which probably helps explain the special contempt we have for cheats, who often abuse secret magic techniques for dishonest gain...


Blogger IAN C said...

There's a famous comment about my chosen profession, to the effect that a Magician is the most honest man in the world. He says, Ladies and Gentlemen, I am now going to deceive you. And then proceeds to do just that. Which probably helps explain the special contempt we have for cheats, who often abuse secret magic techniques for dishonest gain. With the huge boom in online poker, this is ESSENTIAL reading.

Monday, 20 March, 2006  

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